• Robert E. Lee… a touching tribute…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    Buried deep within a September 3, 1868 issue of The New-York Times is a touching tribute to Robert E. Lee.  This, along with several other articles from throughout the newspaper, provide a glimpse of this difficult post-Civil War period – with Nathan Bedford Forrest’s interview, the tension over support for Ulsysses S. Grant’s run for [...]

  • Frederic Remington Prints on Pinterest…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    Frederic Remington is known for his work depicting the American Wild West.  Many of his prints made their way onto the pages of Harper’s Weekly, the premier illustrated newspaper of the 19th and early 20th centuries, along with a handful of other publications of the period.  Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers has posted several [...]

  • The Traveler… a presidential nomination… a bit buggy…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    Today’s travels took me to Baltimore, Maryland, through The Weekly Register (Niles”) of May 23, 1812. There I found the “Presidential Nomination” had occurred “…For JAMES MADISON, 82 — No other person being voted for… On motion of Mr. Campbell of Ten. it was then Resolved, As the sense of this meeting, that JAMES MADISON, [...]

  • Newsies… a tough life…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    While movies and stage shows such as Newsies show the life of a 19th century newsboy to be a difficult one, we still walk away with a somewhat romanticized view of their daily struggle.  In contrast, the following article from The New York Times, September 1, 1868, helps us to better understand the conditions under [...]

  • Period printing… Did you ever notice…?

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    A few months ago we received an inquiry from one of our friends wondering why pre-1900 newspapers included a period after the newspaper’s title in the masthead.  While I hold hundreds of such issues in my hands each week, I had never taken notice of this.  Wondering if this was in fact the case, I [...]

  • The reprint issues of the “Honolulu Star-Bulletin” Pearl Harbor issue…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    If there is a second in line for the most common phone call or email about a newspaper which turns out to be a reprint, it would be the December 7, 1941 of the  “Honolulu Star-Bulletin – 1st Extra“. The genuine issue is arguably the best newspaper to have reporting the historic bombing of Pearl [...]

  • Believe it or not…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    While posting an October 31, 1804 issue of THOMAS’S MASSACHUSETTS SPY, OR WORCESTER GAZETTE,  Massachusetts, onto the Rare Newspapers website due to the presence of two letters from George Washington (written before 1800) and another from Thomas Jefferson, another item caught our interest.  Under “Deaths” we found an obituary which seems unbelievable.  Which is harder [...]

  • The Traveler… going through withdrawal… setting an example…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    Today I found myself in London with the London Gazette dated May 8, 1712. I found that they had a reward for the apprehension of a gentleman by the name of Charles Guill. Mr. Guill “has belonged to the Bank of England, from whose Service he withdrew himself on the 3d Instant, with several Exchequer-Bills [...]

  • Security taken for Kennedy’s visit to Dallas…

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:01:26
    One of the interesting opportunities newspapers present is the ability to read news with hindsight. The early edition of the “Dallas Times-Herald” newspaper of Nov. 22, 1963 (see below), the edition prior to the later edition reporting the assassination, has much coverage of JFK’s visit to Texas and the excitement around his planned visit to [...]

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